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Andainya PR dibangku sidang media mencari #MH370...

Posted by kezamx on Friday 21 March 2014

Andainya PR dibangku sidang media mencari #MH370...

MC: Ladies and gentlemen...ok we open the flour for Q and A session...please...yes

CNN: Mr President did you have any information where the missing aircraft location?

Anwar: Well Its may be missing somewhere else. I don’t know where it is. Actually that is not our fault but our aircraft may be diverting to somewhere else. I don’t know. May be this is one of the past government/UMNO plot and conspiracy to intrude and embarrass our Pakatan Rakyat government.

Utusan Malaysia: YB Karpal sebagai Menteri Pengangkutan adakah kehilangan pesawat ini menunjukkan kelemahan penyelarasan pihak tuan?

Karpal: Where you come from? You better shut up, if not...I will summon you. You harus bertaubat! (Tara guna kasi saya jadi Menteri Pengangkutan. Kerusi saya pun orang angkut juga)
BBC: Mr Mahfuz as a Minister of Defence, can you give some comment regarding to the speculation said that MH 370 aircraft were hijacked by terrorist?

Mahfuz Omar: aaa ….aaaa…a
pa dia cakap aaa, aku tak tau omputih… I wer chek it to Menteri of Dalam Country letter opps later I…I…I angsa ya after launch ya. Kapal scorpene kami ok...
Aussie Post: Mr Hadi as the Prime Minister can you give some comment what has be done by the Malaysian authority in order to prolong the SAR operations?

Hadi Awang: aaa…aaa…aaa menatang SAR tadi tu yer…Saya jawab dalam bahase je ya…Setakat ini tiada penyakit SARS atau susah bernafas yang diakibatkan oleh polong-polong dilaporkan di kalangan anak kapal atau penumpang pesawat itu. Kami sendiri pun tak tahu di mana pesawat itu berada sekarang. Memang sukar nak cari. Jangan sesekali guna bomoh apatah lagi polong. Berdosa besar. Soalan ni tak relevan!

Sinar Harian: YB Hadi adakah petunjuk atau sebarang bukti CCTV yang boleh mengaitkan penglibatan orang dalam dalam misteri kehilangan pesawat MAS ini.

Hadi Awang: Kita tidak mempercayai langsung CCTV ni kerena ia cuma besi yang tiada mata atau telinga…mana boleh jadi saksi di mahkamah. So benda-benda misteri ni khurafat…so soalan tak relevan.
Malaysian Weekly: Mr Lim aaa, as a Minister of Security can you confirm the widespread news that mention that some Chinese passenger has a link to the local extremist?

Lim Kit Siang: You mean Chinese aaa. No…no…no. you are racist man. Even they are Chinese they are good people. We pay a lot of money for tax here and we right now try and fight to get more parity in all aspect from our present government. We are the Malaysian! Don’t play-play racist here! Security… arrest this reporter and charge him under I.S.A!

Kompas: Saya mau nanya pada Ibu Presiden Wan Azizah...sebagai Menteri Perbedayaan Perempuan apa sih yang bisa dilakuin oleh ibu bagi mengantisipasi kebutuhan bapak Presiden dan negara di saat-saat sulit kayak gini?

Azizah: Kamu ni tak reti bahasa ka...sampai hati kamu membutuh-butuhkan suami saya? Anwar langsung tak pernah memperdayakan saya. Saya pula langsung tidak pernah anti kepada Presiden. Selama ini saya memberi sokongan tanpa belah bahagi kepada Presiden. Di tengah kesusahan begini mana ada masa kami nak berkayak!
Times: Mr Akin you as a Foreign Minister, how many countries are willing to give their assistance to help Malaysia in SAR operation right now?

Shamsul Akin: As the Menteri PM aswer tadi la…tiada penyakit SAR dilaporkan, jadi kamu kena faham konteks masalah dan tiada sebarang operasi bagi penyakit SAR ini. Saya pun baru balik dari visit Jepun. Kapal terbang pun okey, SAR pun tiada.

Anwar: Ok ladies and gentlemen let's we conclude our session...adjourn. See you tommorow.

Reporters : But Mr President we have a lot of questions to ask and you not answer our question yet!

Presiden...Bapak Presiden kami nak nyoal lagi ni...kok ngapain mau kabur sih?

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